Alumni Center auditorium.
Willa Cather Dining Complex


Meeting spaces are available for reservations seven days a week between the hours of 8 am and 11 pm. Special permission must be obtained for reservations on UNL holidays, days when UNL is closed, and the time between the end of the fall semester and the start of the spring semester. All meeting spaces are held exclusively for University Housing use for the three weeks prior to the start of the fall semester.

Internal Reservations:

University Housing, RHA, any residence hall government, NRHH, any Vice Chancellor, the Chancellor, and the Board of Regents are considered internal when the usage is for an event directly sponsored by and attended by the requesting entity. The Senior Director of University Housing & Dining Services and the Associate Director of Housing for Conference Services have the authority to give any reservation internal status or grant special terms.

External Reservations:

Any UNL Department not already considered internal, any RSO, or any organization outside of UNL are considered external. University Housing reserves the right to deny requests at our discretion, particularly from organizations deemed as competition to UNL or University Housing. Reservation requests can be submitted in accordance with the following timeframes and are limited to five reservations per semester.
- Fall Semester opens for reservation requests on June 15.
- Spring Semester opens for reservation requests on November 1.
- Summer opens for reservation requests on March 15. Summer is defined as the Sunday after May graduation through the last day of the second five-week session in August. Summer camps and conferences using University Housing Conference Services may request reservations starting October 1 when submitting the Request for Services form.

Room Rental Pricing

All reservations matching the definition of "internal" listed above will be at no cost. In addition, reservations with food and beverage charges from UNL Catering greater than twice the room rental fee for that day will have the room rental fee waived.  All other reservations will be considered external and will be charged for room rental as follows:

Red Cloud Suite*
Up to 4 Hours: $400
4 or More Hours: $800

Red Cloud A
Up to 4 Hours: $200
4 or More Hours: $400

Red Cloud B
Up to 4 Hours: $100
4 or More Hours: $200

Red Cloud C
Up to 4 Hours: $100
4 or More Hours: $200

Red Cloud Atrium*
Up to 4 Hours: $100
4 or More Hours: $200

Pioneers Suite
Up to 4 Hours: $200
4 or More Hours: $400

Pioneers A
Up to 4 Hours: $100
4 or More Hours: $200

Pioneers B
Up to 4 Hours: $100
4 or More Hours: $200

Up to 4 Hours: $200
4 or More Hours: $400

* A reservation for the entire Red Cloud Suite includes complimentary use of the Atrium.


Rental of rooms in the Red Cloud and Pioneers suites come with complimentary use of the built-in AV equipment. A time can be scheduled during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 am—5:00 pm) to meet with an AV technician for a tutorial prior to your event. Onsite AV support for events can be arranged, too. AV support outside of regular business hours will be billed at $50 per hour, minimum 1 hour. See table below for more information on the built-in AV equipment in each room.

Audio-Visual by Room
Room PC Projector HDMI Wireless Mic Built-in Sound Blu-Ray FM Radio Cable TV Aux Input
Red Cloud A
Red Cloud B -- -- --
Red Cloud C
Pioneers A --
Pioneers B --


Capacity by Room
Room Reception Classroom Theater Rounds Hollow Square U-Shape
Pioneers Suite 150 80 80 80 52 30
Pioneers A 75 40 50 40 32 20
Pioneers B 75 40 50 40 32 20
Red Cloud Suite 600 144 500 350 -- --
Red Cloud A 300 96 250 200 56 44
Red Cloud B 75 24 32 30 14 12
Red Cloud C 100 40 80 60 32 24
Plaza -- -- -- -- -- --